Nasser Martin-Gousset Paris
RÉCITAL (Excerpt)
Photo: Matthieu Davette 
"In RÉCITAL the main drive comes from Black music produced in Detroit in the sixties. A sort of Pavlovian conditioned reflex is also present in the work, in the sense that I respond to what I hear, i.e. to the rhythm."
(Nasser Martin-Gousset)

This excerpt is part of a larger work which will be premiered in Bordeaux in the autumn of 2004.

Nasser Martin-Gousset has worked with Sasha Waltz and Joseph Nadj and now produces his own work.
28.08. 23h
free admission

Konzept / Performance: Nasser Martin-Gousset
Musik: Martha Reeves and the Vandellas

Produktion: La Maison.
Koproduktion: Les Grandes traversées de Bordeaux.
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Französischen Botschaft in Berlin, dem Bureau du Théâtre et de la Danse à Berlin und der A.F.A.A.