Association edna / Julia Cima Paris
VISITATIONS world premier

Podewils’sches Palais
12 AUG 21h
13 + 14 AUG 19:30h
60 MIN

Konzept / Interpretation:
Julia Cima
Choreografien von / Adaptionen nach: Dominique Bagouet, Merce Cunningham, Isadora Duncan, Nikolska, Valeska Gert u.a.

Produktion: Association edna.
Koproduktion Tanz im August 2005 – Internationales Tanzfest Berlin, Centre National de la Danse / Pantin, Festival d’Automne à Paris, Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté / Belfort - accueil studio.
Association edna wird unterstützt vom Ministère de la culture et de la communication, Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles d’ DRAC Ile-de-France.
Mit Hilfe des Théâtre de la Cité Internationale, de la Cinémathèque de la danse et de la chaufferie / Saint-Denis.
Gefördert von: Bureau du Théâtre et de la Danse, AFAA.

Photo: Stéphanie Jayet 

Every age invents and finds its own language of movement. In VISITATIONS, Julia Cima performs solos from 100 years of dance history. How do contemporary dancers and choreographers deal with the choreographic heritage? Julia Cima explores the medial archives of motion – resulting in an evening that is both charming and enlightening.

Julia Cima has been collaborating in the projects of Boris Charmatz and Association edna since 1996. She has also worked with Alain Michard, Myriam Gourfink, and Laure Bonicel, as well as coordinating a series of personal projects.