There is a lot of discussion going on in Berlin at the moment about concepts for training contemporary dancers and choreographers. We have put together this year’s workshop program with an eye to this topic and have therefore invited five teachers from very different schools, all of which have been influential in shaping contemporary and classical dance. They will conduct the workshops and technique classes as well as present their schools’ concepts and approaches as part of a separate event.

The workshop of Miranda Pennell will revolve around dance-film. Besides, four young choreographers will be invited to participate in a coaching project by Meg Stuart.

The festival’s performance program has two main focuses this year. The first, as embodied by Jérôme Bel’s work “Véronique Doisneau”, is the opening of boundaries and interaction between classical and contemporary dance. The second focus lies on performative installations in which the lines between the visual and performing arts are blurred, as in “You made me a Monster” by the Forsythe Company.

For times and venues of all events, please check the festival brochure that will appear in June.

We are looking forward to welcoming you!

Ulrike Becker - Matthias Lilienthal - Bettina Masuch - André Thériault