im Podewils´schen Palais
Klosterstraße 68 / 10179 Berlin-Mitte

SOMEWHERE IN CALIFORNIA: Tom Waits tells Iggy Pop about his busy
day performing roadside surgery. Iggy is surprised to hear about Tom´s
sideline as a doctor. The two musicians discuss the wonders of giving
up smoking. The beauty of quitting, Tom points out, is that you can always
start again. Iggy wonders whether Tom comes to this place a lot
– as the jukebox doesn´t feature any of his music.

11 a.m. till after midnight
+++ coffee +++ lunch +++ drinks +++ dinner +++ sun +++
+++ internet +++ massage +++ infopoint +++ pool +++
+++ screenings +++ performances +++ talks +++
+++ sounds +++ parties +++

Massagen: Relax, enjoy, forget. /// Shiatsu / Feldenkrais / Fußreflexzonen
/ reflexology / Klassische Massage / traditional massage (25 min, EUR 15 / 50 min EUR 30)
Anmeldung: 247 49 738 oder in der

Infopoint und Internet:
Aktuelles zum Festival, Pressewand und
Internetzugang (Wireless Internet: Hot Spot).