Berlin / Brüssel / Wien
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PodeWil › 15 € › ermäßigt 10 € › ca. 50 min
25. AUG / 19 h
25. AUG / 22 h
26. AUG / 19 h
26. AUG / 22 h
  FOTO Nina Gundlach
DE »the fault lines« beginnt als intensive Begegnung zweier Körper und wird dann fast unmerklich zu einer faszinierenden, verblüffenden Video-Installation. Ausgangspunkt für dieses Trio war ein Forschungsprojekt, zu dem die Tänzer und Choreografen Meg Stuart und Philipp Gehmacher den Bildenden Künstler Vladimir Miller einluden, der ihre Bewegungen mit Stift und Kamera kristallisiert.
EN Two bodies that manipulate and repair each other. They overlap, if you look in the right direction, fascinated by each other‘s vulnerability. The fault lines are the place we return to, where we are distinct by the lines that separate our bodies on impact. The promise is that we just have to trace them. After all a picture does not hurt.
After their collaboration on »MAYBE FOREVER« the Belgian-American choreographer Meg Stuart and her Austrian colleague Philipp Gehmacher 2008 collaborated on a research project in Salzburg. For this occasion they joined forces with Berlin-based video designer Vladimir Miller. All three of them were so inspired by this collaboration that they decided to work out »the fault lines« into a performance. What starts as intense physical interaction moves almost unnoticeably into a fascinating and uncanny video installation.
Konzept & Performance: Philipp Gehmacher, Vladimir Miller, Meg Stuart
Produktion: Damaged Goods & Mumbling Fish (Brüssel/Wien) › Koproduktion: szene salzburg › Unterstützt von: Flemish authorities, Flemish Community Commission (Meg Stuart & Damaged Goods), Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien
 Books & PrActice »ARE wE HERE YET?«
 mit Meg Stuart u. a.
 27. AUG / 18 h › hAU 1 (Foyer)