Compagnie Germaine Acogny Dakar / Toulouse
Podewils'sches Palais
16 + 17 AUG
55 MIN

Konzept / Tanz: Germaine Acogny
Choreografie: Sophiatou Kossoko Regie: Christian Remer

Produktion: SEBT 3ème Monde, Toulouse/Association Jant-Bi, Dakar.
Koproduktion: Théâtre de la Ville, Paris, CND Centre National de la Danse, Paris, Festival „Voix de Femmes“, Belgien.
Mit Unterstützung von: Arts International, New York, Conseil Régional Midi-Pyrénées, Ville de Toulouse, Ballet Atlantique Régine Chopinot.
Photo: Thomas Dorn 

In TCHOURAÏ Germaine Acogny, the grande dame of contemporary dance in Africa, unites the power and sensibility of dance with a poetic reflection on life and death – a ritual of dance and intimate kaleidoscope of being.

Germaine Acogny is head of the „Ecole des Sables / International Center for Traditional and Contemporary African Dances“ in Senegal, a school, meeting place, and production space for contemporary dancers and choreographers from Senegal and abroad.