Susan Foster /// Los Angeles

In einer Art Publikums-Coaching wird die amerikanische Tanzwissenschaftlerin Susan Foster bezugnehmend auf ihr Buch „Reading Dancing“ in vier Lectures an Hand von Vorstellungen des Festivals über die „Lesbarkeit“ von choreografischen Strukturen und tänzerischen Körperbildern sprechen.

In what could be called a kind of “audience coaching”, American dance scholar Susan Foster will hold four lectures in which she will shed light on the issue of the “readability” of choreographic structures and body images in dance referring both to performances at the festival and to her book, Reading Dancing.

Paul Gazzola /// Berlin

COMING SOON ist die Fortsetzung der im März begonnenen Beschäftigung mit einem neuen Ort für Tanz in Berlin und untersucht, wie räumliche Situationen die künstlerische Praxis mitbestimmen.
Over the last 2 festivals I have been generating talks about how public spaces enact upon us. COMING SOON asks the question “how would you like a space to be?” Over 100 interviews will take place with those working within the performing arts to understand what sort of studio spaces are desired. From this simple question, the complex issue of how space affects one’s artistic practice is considered and the needs of the community revealed. P.G.